Wednesday, May 9, 2007

35 Mistakes Men do when having sex

PAY BACK TIME GUYS! I couldn't think of more but YOu could add some in girls!

  1. Men always assume we're turned on 24/7…No darling! We're not Stepford wives and we can't have perfect 10/10 orgasms every single day! We need romantic and adventurous settings you know (candlelit dinner, nice sexy gestures from the guy and a lil bit of caring and spoiling) not always but most of the time!

  2. Asking us question like "Am I the best lover you ever had", "Was this the best sex you ever had?", and "Is my dick big enough?" after the deed is a BIG TURN OFF!

  3. Getting off the girl after Cumming…She's a human being for godsake and has feelings! Ok I have to admit I do DO IT when I don't have feelings for the guy am with and when its just a one-night-stand but if she's your GF try to stay for at least two minutes before hopping into the shower...

  4. Not sharing the shower with her…All the guys I've been with have shared the shower with me except one guy my sis call him alGERD coz he was as hairy as a monkey…anyways this guy had issues…he was married and had intimacy problems with his wife and with the other women I don't know what made me sleep with this guy…I guess it was just a fantasy I had for years. I dated married guys but never slept with one before, so I just wanted to experience that. He turned out to be very selfish not only in bed but also in the shower! So I dumped him the very next day!

  5. Not showering before sex…Body odor is a HUGE turn off besides not brushing your teeth after having pizza or worse GARLIC: s

  6. Worrying a lot about your rug and the bed sheets your mom got you! I used to date this guy…he's probably reading this post right now : p he used to ADORE his Persian expensive carpet and never wanted to make love on it and when we actually did it on his beloved carpet he was very cautious and the sex sucked big time! So the next day I was having some Nutella chocolate right out of the jar and dropped a big spoon full of Nutella on his carpet. You should see the look on his face! He raced to the phone called his mom to ask her about how he should clean it! Neyahahaha I guess I was a jealous person back then ;)

  7. Getting tissues after sex! It's like a trademark for Emarati guys! Well I prefer using a towel and taking a shower after thank you!

  8. Rushing to the shower after the deed like there is no tomorrow or as if what you did is reallllly dirty and to cleanse your sins you should shower!

  9. Shaving your beard or your down there right before having sex. WE don't care if you had a week old beard when we're into the moment. Just make sure you do it before the date.

  10. Refusing to try any new position or a new sexual experience like outdoor sex. I know that a lot of men love trying new things but when it comes to finally doin it, they back off and get scared. I love outdoor sex but if the guy I'm with doesn't think it's a great idea I go under the dry spell right away and get automatically turned off.

  11. Faking orgasms. Some men do it just to please his women and to get over it and to be A MAN! I have to admit that we all go through bad stressful days and we do fake it at times. A friend of mine was just telling me the other day that he fulfilled his fantasy by finally having sex in an empty soccer field in London but because he was stressed he couldn't cum for an hour and ended up faking it because he didn't want to hurt her feelings. Adorable isn't he? If only she knew!

  12. Going silent when having sex. You should motivate your girl and tell her how good she feels instead of closing your eyes and just getting it off.
  13. Too much spanking. Spanking is good but too much of a thing becomes not good at all, boring and doesn't really turn on the girl your with especially if you do it every single time you have sex with the poot thang!
  14. Asking for a threesome every single time you're with her. Once is ok, twice is not so ok, third time why are you with us in the first place?! Go and get prostitutes from a pub and screw them instead of asking us all the time for a threesome!
  15. Thinking that sex should be perfect. trying at least 5 acrobatic positions, she comes first and I come next, we have to cuddle up and then shower up full stop. Sex should be fun, full of surprises, spontaneous, and not a routine or a chore. Be creative!
  16. Having rough sex every single time. Not only will it become boring but it actually hurts and causes tiny vaginal tears which makes sex painful for your girl. Go easy boy!
  17. Not going down on a girl because you are not used to it and because it's not your thing. I met many girls and guys who are disgusted from oral sex. Sex is not fun if you were disgusted from each other! Why the hell are you together if you were not into each other?!

  18. Ignoring her tits. Hello?! Women are sensitive there and they love to get touched there too and not only down there! Some just bite them. I think it's something to do with their childhood! Maybe they weren't breastfed so they feel like they should take revenge.!

  19. Forgetting her other sensitive areas like her back, thighs, shoulder…

  20. Refusing to let her take control. I think its plain stupid. It's a give and take situation and both should be given chances to be in control and to be controlled it's all about TEASING!

  21. Licking her ears till your spit blocks her ears. It once happened to me. I couldn't hear what the guy was saying most of the time I guess he was soo into it that he didn't notice that.

  22. Being afraid of telling her what you want in bed and how you like to get blown.

  23. Expecting her to know when you're going to cum.

  24. Getting that I' am annoyed look after sex if she wanted to talk after sex.

  25. If you're not a smoker don't give her that dirty/disgusted look if she decided to have a cigarette after sex. Remember that if she had a cigarette after it, it means that she had a good time ; )

  26. Expecting her to get undressed every single time! Stripping is fun but stripping every time you have sex does become like a routine and eventually boring!

  27. Not asking her about anal sex before and just doing it without her approval. It's a myth really that all women enjoy it from the back. I tried it four times the third time was the best because I was in the mood for it. So next time you want to do it just ask her if she's in the mood rather than just stick it in.

  28. Wanting quickies all the time. Foreplay is essential and should not be ignored because it adds a lot of excitement and passion into making love.

  29. Talking dirty all the time and not respecting the girl you're with by treating her like a slut all the time.

  30. Kissing her by biting her lips, sticking your tongue like a lizard and spitting a lot into her mouth. It's not a spitting game or about being aggressive it's called making out and it's all about expressing yourself and how much you want her.

  31. Leaving her responsible for your pleasure and not caring about her needs or whether she is satisfied or not.

  32. Lying down in bed the whole time while she pleases you all the time.

  33. Not giving your girl a massage and expecting her to massage you all the time. It's a give and take situation.

  34. Not trimming down there…we understand and know that you want to be the MAN and go hairy because you are a man and want to be loved the way you are…but long pubic hair is a BIG NO-NO! We can't stand going down on you if the hair is in our mouth the whole time… and spitting it out every now and then just killz the sparks!

  35. Not keeping condoms in the car and not taking precautions. You never know where she has been and with whom. You never know when or what is going to happen so always keep it in handy.



Anonymous said...

lol @ the anal without asking permission! hahaha!

and in this day and age i'm still surprised when i meet people that dont like oral. not just giving, some actually dont like recieving if you can believe that!

and the not sharing a shower, thats not even really about sex, its just plain rude.

xxx Candy xxx said...

I know I was surprised too! They are either obsessed with cleanliness i call them the OCDed (Over Compulsive Behavior) I was one years ago but thank god I changed or they are just too dignified to go down on someone...

About the shower thingy its part of sex ettiquette coz maybe one of them wanted to continue the battle in the shower :p

Anonymous said...

I’m just curious here, are you an Emarti native?? Just reading a few of your post, you seem to be a sexually active unmarried young lady. Is this a trend now in the UAE??!! I still like to believe you are an exception rather than the rule. And another thing, are your parents around? Do they ask any question when you go out on your sex, and alcohol binge? This is not a moral judgment, just a curious question.

Unknown said...

These are great and I think I've experienced nearly all of them. I have found that some men do take direction well, such as getting in the shower with him, holding him close after sex so he can't roll away, etc.

Well done.

Anonymous said...

Printing in progress!

Anonymous said...

"About the shower thingy its part of sex ettiquette coz maybe one of them wanted to continue the battle in the shower :p

oh definately, i've got a big thing about water an sex myself :P

i meant that even if there wasnt a round in the shower, and it was more of a bonding type thing,....even if you dont like them in there, how the hell could you say "umm no fuck off out the shower" :P see what i mean? just plain rude.

xxx Candy xxx said...

looool skunk I got yer point dude...I know it is EXTREMELY RUDE and selfish...

Anonymous YES I AM A native EMARATY babe but what does my parents have to do with what I do?! Anyways about the trend I think it is becoming a trend here but not alota girls get to do it under their parents resrtictions n all...

Maureen I think so do take directions well specially when you point down :p

Who-sane what do u mean by printing in progress?!

ghoweljlsfqwef said...

I never understood the whole not wanting to give oral sex thing. A lot of guys don't do it cause they think it is gross?!?!?! Retards. The funny thing is that I've known women who are willing to give blow jobs but won't let guys go down on them cause they think it is gross. Lol.

Though sometimes a person's dislike for oral sex can come in handy if that person is into being treated like a dirty ho in bed, lol.

Anonymous said...

I meant I'm printing this post as a guide :-) ... a figure of speech

xxx Candy xxx said...

dotsson: some women aren't confident enough to let the guy they're with to go down...some are shy...some just don't enjoy it coz they have low self esteem and think they don't deserve it...

Who-sane: thnx :)