Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Can Cheaters Change?

Today I was hanging out with my friends cruising around in the car, talking about relationships and why most men in our country end up with prostitutes...Don't get me wrong, there are faithful men and women out here...but they're verrrry rare...and most local girls here are just soo damn materialistic and would do anything for money even if it was sellling their body... It's sad I know...some do it for pleasure and to meet VIP's, others just to get laid with any man because they're desperate...I just think it's just sick that alot of our girls became like that...

Anyways, so we were talking about infidelity and how men are just like animals...wanting to satisfy themselves and just get on with they turn to pay girls...I asked many of my friends why they do it? "Don't you feel cheap? I mean what if she gives you a blow job and you end up getting STDs from her?"Some enjoy it because there are no strings attached...they don't have to open up to them and express whats going on in their minds from feelings, memories, how much they loved their ex's BLAH BLAH BLAH...others just got sick of relationships and the girls they meet coz' lets face it...alota girls girls here WANT MARRIAGE sooo BAD...they nag 24/7 "'When are we getting married?" "Where is this relationship going?" and many other questions....If I was a guy I would definitely SHOOT MYSELF! It is soooo annoying and I don't blame guys for dumping those poor pathetic girls...

So, I came across an article before signing into my blog...It was about whether cheaters can change? Ok...So I have to admit I did cheat a few of times...and yes! i felt guilty about it...but I always believe that "what goes around comes around" and the reason I do it is whenever I have a gut feeling that a guy is CHEATING on me...Don't ask me HOW :s I just feeel i go cheat and then a month or so later...I find out that he's been cheating from the start...So when the minute I find out...I just SMILE :D why? coz' I feel relieved that I haven't done anything wrong and that HE DESERVES IT...But I think now that I met someone special...I'm about to change...I really hope that this relationship lasts and I reallyy really hope neither of us would cheat on each other...He's really special, very sweet, and has the best sense of humour I've ever seen in my life...he makes me laugh soo hard I once almost peed in my pants! I've always thought that because I fell in love 3 times and heartbroken 3 fuckin times, that I will never fall in love again...But c'est laaa VIE! My heart is gayyy soo gayy that I easily fall in love...and out of love sooo god damn easily that I sometimes think it's maybe because i have a heart of a man or maybe it's because I date like men...I' m always not serious about my date and always break their hearts...THAts me! I hate it but it's just in me...I can't help it...I feel bad for them...but hey! someone had to teach them a lesson...What goes around coomeses around...

So lets have a look at what the statistics say about CHEATING *EVIL* BUT EXISTS IN THIS FUCKING GAY WORLD:

  • 60 percent of men say that even having drinks with an old flame is cheating...Oh really? So guys are allowed to meet up with their ex's and talk but we're not allowed to have drinks with our old flames?! WTF is wrong with you guys?

  • 50 percent of men say visiting strip clubs is cheating...I agreeee

  • 60% of married men and women in the U.S cheat on their spouses. I think the percentage is fucking higher here in the U.A.E...maybe 90%!

  • All women say emotional betrayal is worse than physical betrayal...I totally agree! I would rather know that my man just had a one night stand (with condoms of course) than having a love affair without having sex with her...

  • The average woman says that the No. 1 reason for divorce is infidelity.

We'd all like to think that people can make changes, learn to compromise, and make their relationship stronger. Unromantic men can learn to buy a card every once in a while; women who nag can learn to stop themselves at least a few times they see toothpaste in the sink, or whatever it is. But those are small changes. The big changes -- the changes that can make or break a relationship -- are the ones most of us are really concerned about. And perhaps the biggest question of all -- when you consider that 25 percent of men admit to cheating in relationships and about 15 percent of women do(MOST DON'T ADMIT) -- is this: Can cheaters change? Is cheating an inherent personality trait or a controllable behavioral one? Can a guy -- or gal -- who strays learn to be a house cat?

Can Cheaters Change? Not a chance!

Once someone crosses the line in the relationship , it's like a seal being broken on a pill bottle. Though some of it may depend on whether it was a drunken fling or an ongoing stealth hookup with someone at work, the fact is that once that trust is compromised, the offender will have a hard time resetting the relationship to its startup condition. Even if the victim accepts the offender back into the relationship, the offender will be likely to stray again because he knows he's already gotten away with it once. The bigger picture, really, is the fact that he (we'll assume the cheater is a he; sorry, guys) cheated for a reason -- that something in his current relationship -- for example, one study showed that couples with infidelity issues showed greater dishonesty, arguments about trust, narcissism, and time spent apart -- made him explore other options. And that's ultimately what makes him prone to do it again. But...

Can Cheaters Change? Absolutely!

Just because someone has cheated in one relationship doesn't mean that he's always a cheater in his next relationships -- for the very same reason. In the relationship where he cheated, he was willing to gamble it away. So if he enters a committed relationship where he feels there's much more to lose, there's a less likely chance he'll want to risk it. Does that mean he won't, or that he couldn't succumb to the temptations of the tight-topped bartender? Of course not. Cheating certainly can make some relationships impossible to continue, but some infidels can indeed change -- that is, if he hopes to make other relationships even remotely possible.

So what do you guys think? CAN CHEATERs CHANGE?


Devilish said...

ummmm ummmm difficult ... cheaters are just cheaters ... it runs in their blood ... loyalty is something they might never have heard of ... however a shocking experience might throw them back, hitting some nerves ... yet even then its difficult to trust once again ...

Devilish said...
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Leo. said...

god ur wack!
people never change unless somethin drastic hits them right between their eyes! cest la vie baby

i agree with almost everything yousaid, well actually everything candy cane.

n i really hope this one works out for you ;)

xxx Candy xxx said...

DEvilish: People change...I guess...not all but most...and loyal people can become nasty when all the people they meet are unfaithful...

Leo: loool @ somethin drastic hits them right between thei eyes? why not forehead? :p and thnx for the nickname i like it! (candyyy cane)anyways about the relationship am in right now...I don't think it's working that well...coz I can't forget my ex :( whenever we hang out or do somethin it just hits me "I MISS HIM!"

Anonymous said...

I can't forget my ex too, she was a cheating bitch, but it's all good, everyone fucks up.

xxx Candy xxx said...

loool anonymous of course everybody fucks up...this is life! and callin yer ex a cheating bitch isn't a nice thing...maybe she had her reasons..maybe u cheated on her too *think*

Leo. said...

you dont miss him, u just feel theres a gap that needs to be filled. so just stop thinking about him candy..

and this new guy isnt gay if you know what i mean, so dont take him as a friend, let him fill your emotional gaps. or hey u know what, screw him, how about me ;)
lol jus playin xoxox

xxx Candy xxx said...

Maybe your right...